
How Dataseat’s in-app user acquisition platform signals a future without identifiers

It is probably safe to say that if we hear any more about cookies and device IDs going away, bakeries everywhere will face a revolt. 

We have all heard the issues, as if they were “the dog ate my homework”-like responses from our clients.

  • “Yes, we know that Google, Apple and a host of others are moving away from using identifiers as a means of connecting between customers and brands.”
  •  “Yes, we know you’re concerned about privacy.  So are we.”

But it’s one thing to hear the issues; it’s another thing to do something about them.  And it’s yet another thing, entirely, to have someone on your team who can not only address the issues, but someone who predicted that they would happen and started doing something about it.

So it’s with these ideas in mind that this blog post addresses why Verve invested in Dataseat.

No identifiers needed

As Verve continues its quest of building an advertising ecosystem that encompasses media, data and technology, we need to simultaneously think about what’s next as opposed to what’s in front of us.  David Philippson was ahead of what’s next before many of us knew it would be coming; you can read more about his approaches from a discussion that Ionut and David had with AdExchanger.  

Verve leadership has known David, Dataseat’s CEO, for some time.  The premise that his team and he built at Dataseat was that digital advertising would become more privacy compliant.  

  • Way before any of us had to deal with the issue of IDFAs, David’s team had predicted that Apple would deprecate their usage.  
  • The Dataseat team built the world’s first fully transparent user acquisition DSP based entirely on contextual signals, without any reliance on device IDs or user profiling.  
  • What’s more, Dataseat provides app developers with tools and software to manage their own user acquisition, retargeting and cross-promotion campaigns. 

That Dataseat was so ahead of the curve gave David an advantage to express what else may lie on the horizon–and that’s someone we wanted in our corner.  Dataseat’s resources will provide us with added ammunition and resources to create better and more revenue-generating experiences.

What excites us the most about Dataseat joining Verve is that it will amplify the value we are creating around Moments.AI’s expertise, and the role it plays in shaping our future.  We share Dataseat’s philosophy that contextual advertising and cookieless identifiers represent the future of our industry. 

If that were not enough, Dataseat enhances a vast global SDK install base found within Smaato and Hybid SDK. As a result, there is a great opportunity for Verve to upsell complementary services.

I encourage anyone reading this blog to learn more about Dataseat and to connect with David and his team.  You will benefit from connecting with him and learning from him as much as we have…and we cannot wait to see what the future holds for all of us.

It is probably safe to say that if we hear any more about cookies and device IDs going away, bakeries everywhere will face a revolt. 

We have all heard the issues, as if they were “the dog ate my homework”-like responses from our clients.

  • “Yes, we know that Google, Apple and a host of others are moving away from using identifiers as a means of connecting between customers and brands.”
  •  “Yes, we know you’re concerned about privacy.  So are we.”

But it’s one thing to hear the issues; it’s another thing to do something about them.  And it’s yet another thing, entirely, to have someone on your team who can not only address the issues, but someone who predicted that they would happen and started doing something about it.

So it’s with these ideas in mind that this blog post addresses why Verve invested in Dataseat.

No identifiers needed

As Verve continues its quest of building an advertising ecosystem that encompasses media, data and technology, we need to simultaneously think about what’s next as opposed to what’s in front of us.  David Philippson was ahead of what’s next before many of us knew it would be coming; you can read more about his approaches from a discussion that Ionut and David had with AdExchanger.  

Verve leadership has known David, Dataseat’s CEO, for some time.  The premise that his team and he built at Dataseat was that digital advertising would become more privacy compliant.  

  • Way before any of us had to deal with the issue of IDFAs, David’s team had predicted that Apple would deprecate their usage.  
  • The Dataseat team built the world’s first fully transparent user acquisition DSP based entirely on contextual signals, without any reliance on device IDs or user profiling.  
  • What’s more, Dataseat provides app developers with tools and software to manage their own user acquisition, retargeting and cross-promotion campaigns. 

That Dataseat was so ahead of the curve gave David an advantage to express what else may lie on the horizon–and that’s someone we wanted in our corner.  Dataseat’s resources will provide us with added ammunition and resources to create better and more revenue-generating experiences.

What excites us the most about Dataseat joining Verve is that it will amplify the value we are creating around Moments.AI’s expertise, and the role it plays in shaping our future.  We share Dataseat’s philosophy that contextual advertising and cookieless identifiers represent the future of our industry. 

If that were not enough, Dataseat enhances a vast global SDK install base found within Smaato and Hybid SDK. As a result, there is a great opportunity for Verve to upsell complementary services.

I encourage anyone reading this blog to learn more about Dataseat and to connect with David and his team.  You will benefit from connecting with him and learning from him as much as we have…and we cannot wait to see what the future holds for all of us.