Mobile engagement sweetens the deal for Krispy Kreme

Precision targeting and captivating creative foster brand loyalty among existing fans and entice new customers to visit Krispy Kreme's QSR locations. 

Mobile engagement sweetens the deal for Krispy Kreme
higher tap-to-map rates
0 %
longer engagement duration
0 X


Since 1937, Krispy Kreme has delighted customers with fresh doughnuts. Over the years, the brand has grown into a quick-service restaurant (QSR) chain serving sweet treats and more.


Quick-serve restaurants (QSRs) are booming across the US. To compete in a crowded field, QSRs keep prices low and typically operate on slim margins. This means that every promotional campaign needs to deliver results.  The first Friday of every June is a big deal for Krispy Kreme: it’s National Doughnut Day. Krispy Kreme approached Verve with two objectives for a National Doughnut Day promo campaign:

  • Inspire brand loyalty and engagement with current customers.
  • Entice new customers to visit Krispy Kreme stores. 


What’s better than a fresh doughnut? A free, fresh doughnut! Verve developed precise targeting and compelling creative spotlighting the giveaway to build excitement and drive engagement. 

Specifically, Verve’s approach used three primary tactics:

  • Strategic audience segmentation: Target frequent QSR visitors with Verve’s custom audiences.
  • Geo-fencing: Target a 5-mile radius around Krispy Kreme stores.
  • Interactive ad formats: Dynamic “tap-to-map” ad creatives to direct customers to the closest Krispy Kreme store.


The National Doughnut Day promo campaign significantly outperformed industry benchmarks for tap-to-map and engagement duration.

  • 2X longer engagement duration*
  • 25% higher tap-to-map

* Mobile engagement vs. traditional TV engagement duration