
Mobile Cohorts (ATOM)

Get the most value from every user, no ID needed

Future-proof your ad revenue with proprietary technology designed to maximize mobile targeting precision while adhering to evolving privacy regulations.

Achieve 100% addressability without mobile identifiers or risk

Overcome anonymity and get the best of both worlds by reclaiming powerful mobile targeting tactics, all while adhering to privacy regulations. ATOM uses proprietary machine learning technology to evaluate and identify cohorts that meet your targeting criteria, giving you the confidence to activate relevant campaigns that support your ROI.

A scalable, privacy-centric solution

Leverage advanced targeting and strategic revenue optimization capabilities to boost your ad ROI.

Secure and private

Ensure safety and compliance by building on-device audience cohorts on the device without the use of personal identifiable information.

Global scale

Scale your monetization efforts across a range of apps thanks to wide adoptions of our HyBid SDK 3.0 SDK.

Robust targeting

Leverage cutting-edge machine learning/AI computing models to ensure cohort relevancy, based on contextual signals from the app and device.

App publishers increase ad fill rates

Our transparent, open-source platform gives you full control over ad configuration while boosting eCPMs for iOS users who opt out of IDFA, ensuring compliance and driving revenue. With on-device processing, user data stays secure and private, never leaving the device.

Marketers reach high-value users

Identify user insights and deliver relevant ads while staying compliant. Reach your full target audience using on-device machine learning for precise targeting and data protection. Achieve your awareness and performance goals with global reach.

Unlock ID-less monetization today

Explore how ATOM can enhance your mobile monetization strategy with advanced, privacy-compliant targeting solutions.
