Collaboration, communication, connectivity: Verve leaders highlight what they expect to see at DMEXCO 2022

With apologies to P.T. Barnum, there are many people within Verve who think that DMEXCO is the greatest show on earth…and for good reason.

Over two days (September 21 and 22), DMEXCO brings together industry leaders, marketing and media professionals and tech pioneers together in one city–Cologne, Germany–and one roof to set the digital agenda that we all follow.  Unlike the last few years, DMEXCO 2022 is being held in-person.  

Working in communications for a global technology company, I find a shred of irony that technology professionals who thrive on digital communication tools for their way of life want to see each other/talk in person/listen to one another using seemingly analog technology–our own eyes and ears.

That irony did not go unnoticed by our co-CEO, Ionut Ciobotaru.  As he recently shared with me, the fact that DMEXCO is happening in-person and in real life represents a microcosm of how ad-tech has evolved, yet how it needs to change.  

“Without question, the pandemic forced all of us to leverage more technology in our lives, and the ad-tech and marketing industries were no exception.  But now that we are moving past this chapter, our industry needs to be smarter about balancing these technological advances while putting privacy front-and-center in everything we do.

“It’s no longer something nice to do; it’s required.  This is what I expect to see and hear at DMEXCO.”

Verve will have a strong physical presence in Cologne.  Our brand and voices will be seen and heard–starting with the PreMEXCO opening party to a far-ranging booth that will showcase our products, our brands and (perhaps most importantly) how we believe ad-tech’s future will look in the not-too-distant future. And to top it all off, Raman Sidhu is presenting a masterclass with Getty Images to talk about how moments-based marketing, compelling imagery and contextual targeting can play the role that cookies do.

So what else will people see and hear at DMEXCO?  We asked a few people who have their tickets punched for Cologne to find out.

“DMEXCO, like Cannes and CES, serves as a drumbeat for cross-country collaboration at the leadership level.  We expect to have frank conversations with our colleagues and peers across the industry to take stock of how we’re doing, and set a course for the future.”

Michael Brooks, Chief Operating Officer

(Welcome to Verve, Mike!)

“Verve will be at DMEXCO talking to customers about addressability and globally-scaled, brand safe environments. We’re focusing on maximizing buyer ROI at a time when global markets and the economy are facing unique pressure and strain.”

Morgan Jetto, VP & GM, Programmatic Demand Partnerships & Global Sales

Morgan has a point there.  With expected marketplace softness and what many expect to show some form of global recession and marketplace uncertainty, the voices that will be remembered at DMEXCO will be those who talk about new ways to heighten one’s investment.  

Of course, there will be those who focus on “what’s next.”

“…when I am at DMEXCO, I am looking forward to seeing how publishers are moving toward FAST + CTV.  I am intrigued to learn more about how Web3 and the metaverse will enter more of our conversations because the concepts are so new in our industry.  And of course, we’re going to keep our eyes and ears open to topics around privacy, attribution and addressability.”

Avi Edery, SVP and GM, Marketplace

(Did you see Avi quoted in DIGIDAY?)

To be sure, there will be several themes that Verve will be listening for, presenting and sharing with clients and prospects.  

What do you think will be the hot topic at DMEXCO?  Let us know before we take off!

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