The mobile privacy dichotomy: Users’ complex relationship with data

Thought leadership: Complex consumer feelings about data combined with a need to deliver contextually relevant advertising are creating a confusing privacy dichotomy.
‘Innovate or fall behind’: Industry reflects on the digital banner ad turning 30

Thought leadership: Alex Stil and other industry experts reflect on how the foundations of online advertising have changed over the past 30 years.
Why purpose-built marketplaces matter for marketers

Thought leadership: Purpose-built marketplaces are specialized platforms are designed to cater to specific marketing goals, whether it’s driving immediate actions or building long-term brand awareness.
How open-source SDKs empower publishers in an increasingly walled industry

Though leadership: App publishers and ad tech partners must fight against the exclusivity and secrecy of today’s walled gardens with openness and transparency — and an important tool for accomplishing this is an open-source ad SDK.
Video Interview: DMEXCO 2024 Verve, Chief Revenue Officer, Sameer Sondhi

Thought leadership: Sameer Sondhi talks to Mediashotz at DMEXCO 2024 about anonymous targeting on mobile and the power of blimps.
What does Apple’s new AdAttributionKit mean for mobile gaming?

Thought leadership: David Philippson, CEO & Co-Founder of Dataseat, discusses what Apple’s AdAttributionKit might mean for the mobile gaming industry.
The future of probabilistic attribution: What will Apple do next?

Thought leadership: Paul Hayton, CTO and Co-Founder of Dataseat, looks at why a fingerprinting ban is needed and what form it might take.
The CTV Advertising Guide 2024 – North America

Thought leadership: This year’s CTV guide looks at how the CTV market is developing, what’s working, and which developments are shaping the industry.
Podcast: Understanding AdAttributionKit (with David Philippson)

Thought leadership: Mobile Dev Memo invites David Philippson, CEO of Dataseat, on their podcast to discuss Apple’s AdAttributionKit.