As a marketing leader, I draw inspiration from several different sources. Fellow marketers. Competitors. Mentors. My wife and kids. And it goes without saying that my Verve colleagues inspire me, thanks to the incredible work they put forth on a daily basis.
And then there’s the inspiration I draw from Indiana Jones. Yup, your favorite archaeology professor-turned treasure hunter/escape artist has taught marketers like me that the ultimate prize is not always the end result of your strategic pursuits. The quest, itself, shows how well your strategy is working.
Since mid-2022, Verve has channeled its inner Indy, setting forth a quest to define what Verve means to our stakeholders. Why was it important to invest resources to pursue this quest?
- In its simplest form, a quest is a pathway for outlining your strategy. Your roadmap, i.e., the tactics that support your strategy, should be designed to connect with the stakeholders who matter to you most.
- But a quest is never easy. When you embark on a journey to learn what your brand stands for and what it could stand for, your quest is only as good as how well you stay the course.
Verve’s Quest for Ideal Brand Relevance Starts with Values
With that in mind, Verve curated its own set of values. You may have heard people within Verve say, “Let’s Make Media Better.” That directive sits at the foundation of what we do as a company. And, these values validate WHY we are on the quest to make media better. Our values are part of who we are, what we stand for and how we act. Here they are (with a little reason why we think they matter; click the link above to learn more!):
- Be Curious. Be sincere and take an interest in others.
- We, Not Me. When you share successes, everyone wins.
- Simply Say It. When you are direct and clear with your communication, more people are more inclined to work with you to share their ideas.
- Go For It. Good plans make for good execution.
- Make Good, Better. Challenge the status quo to make future versions better than the original.
Having these values make the quest as exciting as anything we create for advertisers and publishers. But more importantly, they fortify why we started the quest in the first place, so that when people see and hear “Verve” they know what our brand stands for.
Now if only our quest had some good theme music…