Warner Bros. maximizes brand awareness for film release with Verve

Verve helped Warner Bros. to boost ticket sales and build brand awareness for its horror film release.

Warner Bros. maximizes brand awareness for film release with Verve


Major motion picture entertainment company Warner Brothers teams up with Verve to build brand awareness and drive ticket sales for the release of its supernatural horror film. Find out how Verve identified target audience segments and served engaging video creatives during the opening weekend of the movie to result in high video completion rates, increased post-click engagement, and time spent in interstitial video.


  • Build brand awareness around the theatrical release of supernatural horror movie and drive ticket sales
  • Identify horror film enthusiasts and additional target audience segments for the movie


  • >40 seconds average time spent in interstitial video
  • >3.0% post-click engagement to site
  • Pre-roll video highest video completion rate